A quick, tasty soup for winter. By adding the seasonings from the boxed rice, you get great flavor. To save time, grab a rotisserie chicken from the store...
Congee is a much overlooked soup and a comfort food of a lot of Asian peoples. This recipe is flavorful, light, and goes down real easy when you are feeling...
This is a creamy Chinese rice porridge also known as congee. It cooks perfectly in a slow cooker too. Serve garnished with additional scallions and soy...
When I make this soup, I always get rave reviews. The tarragon gives it a special taste. Tastes great the next day for leftovers! To be honest I don't...
This is very good! It's worth it going to the Thai market to get the extra ingredients. I used to order this at a restaurant and I came home and come up...
This is very good! It's worth it going to the Thai market to get the extra ingredients. I used to order this at a restaurant and I came home and come up...
When we had to work late, I offered to get my husband to bring some leftover Chicken soup my mother-in-law made. Everyone agreed because we were all broke,...
When we had to work late, I offered to get my husband to bring some leftover Chicken soup my mother-in-law made. Everyone agreed because we were all broke,...
When we had to work late, I offered to get my husband to bring some leftover Chicken soup my mother-in-law made. Everyone agreed because we were all broke,...
Koreans flock to this hot soup dish in the dead heat of summer to combat the summer heat. Does that make any sense? Well, it didn't to me until I was pestered...
This is a great and different chicken and rice soup. Serve with cornbread or tortilla chips. Encourage your guests to squeeze a little lime juice into...
This is a creamy Chinese rice porridge also known as congee. It cooks perfectly in a slow cooker too. Serve garnished with additional scallions and soy...
I recently came back from Del Mar, CA, and a few of the Mexican restaurants served Sonoran-style Caldo De Pollo. I attempted to mimic this Mexican chicken...
When I make this soup, I always get rave reviews. The tarragon gives it a special taste. Tastes great the next day for leftovers! To be honest I don't...
Congee is a much overlooked soup and a comfort food of a lot of Asian peoples. This recipe is flavorful, light, and goes down real easy when you are feeling...
This is very good! It's worth it going to the Thai market to get the extra ingredients. I used to order this at a restaurant and I came home and come up...
This is a great and different chicken and rice soup. Serve with cornbread or tortilla chips. Encourage your guests to squeeze a little lime juice into...
Savory and tasty, a great recipe to make. Just throw everything in the slow cooker on your way out the door in the morning, and a delicious soup will greet...
This soup is so rich and satisfying (and surprisingly low in fat). I came up with this recipe after trying to kick my addiction to the chicken and wild...
When I make this soup, I always get rave reviews. The tarragon gives it a special taste. Tastes great the next day for leftovers! To be honest I don't...
When I make this soup, I always get rave reviews. The tarragon gives it a special taste. Tastes great the next day for leftovers! To be honest I don't...
When my wife was down with the flu, I whipped this up quickly with what I had on hand. It was so much better than we expected that we made it a staple...
Avgolemono is one of those soups that I've made many times, but rarely from scratch. It's usually a 'there's nothing in the house' type of thing and made...
Koreans flock to this hot soup dish in the dead heat of summer to combat the summer heat. Does that make any sense? Well, it didn't to me until I was pestered...
Savory and tasty, a great recipe to make. Just throw everything in the slow cooker on your way out the door in the morning, and a delicious soup will greet...
Savory and tasty, a great recipe to make. Just throw everything in the slow cooker on your way out the door in the morning, and a delicious soup will greet...
Savory and tasty, a great recipe to make. Just throw everything in the slow cooker on your way out the door in the morning, and a delicious soup will greet...